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Mariana Fidelis wrote to let us know about a special issue of Dissonancia that she will be co-editing with Mariana Teixeira on Decolonial and Critical Theory. The call for papers can be found here (submission deadline Dec. 31, 2019). 

Some possible topics:

  • Convergences and divergences between critical theory and de-/postcolonial theories
  • Critical theory on the periphery(ies): reception, criticisms and dialogues
  • Critical theory in/from/about Brazil and Latin America
  • Post- and decolonial theories: tensions between the particular and the universal
  • Critical theory, race and intersectionality
  • Critical theory, history, progress and global justice
  • What does it mean to “decolonize” critical theory today?
  • What do post- and decolonial theories have to learn from critical theory?
  • What does critical theory have to learn from post- and decolonial theories?